Columns description in reports

Limited invoice report

Column name in reportDescription
invoiceIdSystem id of the invoice.
invoiceAddressCrypto address of the invoice for deposit.
invoiceAmountAmount of the invoice. Merchant receives this amount of money.
amountToPayAmount the client need to pay for the invoice. It can be bigger than invoice amount if transaction fee for transfer from invoice address to merchant address is included (field upperCommission = true in the invoice creation request).
blockchainTransactionFeeTransaction fee for transfer from invoice address to merchant address.
tokenTransactionFeeTransaction fee for transfer of base currency from merchant wallet to invoice wallet in order to transfer tokens from invoice address to merchant wallet (only for invoices in tokens).
currencyCurrency of the invoice.
invoiceStateStatus of the invoice processing [MEM_POOL_FOUND, PENDING_PAYMENT, PAID, COMPLETED, PENDING_INTERVENTION, CANCEL, ARCHIVED]. See description of states on Limited Invoice
descriptionDescription of the invoice.
createdDateTime of invoice creation.
idempotencyKeyThe id in the uuid format that can be generated by merchant while creating the invoice. It forms link to the invoice.
typeType of the invoice. SINGLE - allows to receive one payment in crypto-currency. SINGLE_FIAT - allows to receive one payment in crypto-currency but amount to pay is set in fiat currency.
expirationDateTimestamp of invoice expiration moment.
hotWalletAddressAddress of the merchant wallet.
amountInFiatAmount of the invoice if invoice was created with type SINGLE_FIAT.
fiatCurrencyFiat currency of the invoice if invoice was created with type SINGLE_FIAT.
invoiceTransactionIdSystem id of the deposit transaction to invoice.
incomingAmountAmount of the deposit transaction.
incomingCurrencyCurrency of the deposit transaction.
incomingTransactionHashHash of the deposit transaction in blockchain.
addressFromWallet address of deposit transaction sender.
incomingTransactionDateDate and time of the deposit transaction.
invoicePaymentIdSystem id of transaction from invoice wallet to merchant wallet (withdrawal).
notEnoughFundsForTokenFeeAmountAmount of money that needed for processing withdrawal. More than 0 if there is not enough money on merchant wallet in base currency.
transactionCommentsComments for this invoice.
serviceFeeService fee for the operation.
serviceFeeCurrencyCurrency of the service fee.
feeTypeSystem name of operation for which service fee was charged.
externalIdMerchant ID that can be assigned to invoice or several invoices in string format.

Unlimited invoice report

Column name in reportDescription
invoiceIdSystem id of the invoice.
invoiceAddressCrypto address of the invoice for deposit.
currencyCurrency of the invoice.
invoiceStateStatus of the invoice processing [PENDING_PAYMENT, ARCHIVED]. See description of states on Unlimited Invoice
descriptionDescription of the invoice.
createdDateTime of invoice creation.
idempotencyKeyThe id in the uuid format that can be generated by merchant while creating the invoice. It forms link to the invoice.
expirationDateTimestamp of invoice expiration moment.
hotWalletAddressAddress of the merchant wallet.
invoiceTransactionIdsSystem ids of the deposit transactions to invoice for the period.
incomingAmountForPeriodAmount of the deposit transactions for the period.
incomingTransactionHashesHashes of the deposit transactions in blockchain for the period.
addressesFromWallet addresses of deposit transaction senders for all transactions for the period.
withdrawalAmountForPeriodAmount that was withdrawn from unlimited invoice for the period.
blockchainFeeForPeriodTransaction fee for transfers from invoice address to merchant address for the period.
tokenFeeForPeriodTransaction fee for transfers of base currency from merchant wallet to invoice wallet in order to transfer tokens from invoice address to merchant wallet (only for invoices in tokens) for the period.
transactionCommentsComments for this invoice.
serviceFeeService fee for the operation.
serviceFeeCurrencyCurrency of the service fee.
feeTypeSystem name of operation for which service fee was charged.
amountInInvoiceWalletBalance of the invoice wallet on the moment of report creation.
externalIdMerchant ID that can be assigned to invoice or several invoices in string format.

Payout report

Column name in reportDescription
payoutIdSystem ID of the payout.
numberOfConfirmationsNumber of confirmations by users that are needed for payout sending.
payoutStateStatus of the payout. [ PENDING_CONFIRMATION, CONFIRMED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCELED ]. See description of states on Single Payout
cancellationMessageMessage that was sent when payout was cancelled.
cancellationAuthorFirst and last name of user who cancelled the payout.
payoutCreatedDateDate and time of payout creation.
payoutCommentComment of the author of payout.
payoutTypeSystem type of payout.
executionDateTime and date of the payout execution.
idempotencyKeyThe ID in the uuid format that can be generated by merchant while creating the payout.
withdrawalIdSystem ID of the payout transaction.
nonceNonce in blockchain transaction.
hashHash of the blockchain transaction.
networkFeeCurrencyCurrency of the network transaction fee.
networkFeeNetwork transaction fee that is charged to users when performing crypto transactions.
networkFeeRatioNetwork fee coefficient.
withdrawalStateState of the system payout transaction. The same as payout state.
payoutCurrencyThe currency of the payout.
amountAmount of the payout.
depositAddressWallet address of the payout receiver.
withdrawalAddressWallet address of the payout sender.
transactionCommentsComments for this invoice.
serviceFeeService fee for the operation.
serviceFeeCurrencyCurrency of the service fee.
feeTypeSystem name of operation for which service fee was charged.
amountInInvoiceWalletBalance of the invoice wallet on the moment of report creation.
externalIdMerchant ID that can be assigned to invoice or several invoices in string format.
clientIdSystem ID of the client.
clientNameClient name of the receiver of payout.

Mass payout report

Column name in reportDescription
payoutIdSystem ID of the payout.
payoutStateStatus of the payout. [ PENDING_CONFIRMATION, CONFIRMED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCELED ]. See description of states on Mass payout
cancellationMessageMessage that was sent when payout was cancelled.
cancellationAuthorFirst and last name of user who cancelled the payout.
payoutCreatedDateDate and time of payout creation.
payoutCommentComment of the author of payout.
executionDateTime and date of the payout execution.
idempotencyKeyThe ID in the uuid format that can be generated by merchant while creating the payout.
totalPayoutAmountTotal amount of the mass payout (to all addresses).
totalNetworkFeeTotal network fee for all transactions.
withdrawalIdSystem ID of the payout transaction.
nonceNonce in blockchain transaction.
hashHash of the blockchain transaction.
networkFeeCurrencyCurrency of the network transaction fee.
networkFeeNetwork transaction fee that is charged to users when performing crypto transactions.
networkFeeRatioNetwork fee coefficient.
withdrawalStateState of the system payout transaction. The same as payout state.
payoutCurrencyThe currency of the payout.
externalIdMerchant ID that can be assigned to the transaction in mass payout or several transactions in string format.
amountAmount of the transaction.
depositAddressWallet address of the payout receiver.
withdrawalAddressWallet address of the payout sender.
withdrawalCommentComment for the mass payout transaction (when created).
transactionCommentsComments for this transaction.
totalServiceFeeForPayoutService fee for the operation.
totalServiceFeeCurrencyForPayoutCurrency of the service fee.

Exchange report

Column name in reportDescription
idSystem ID of the exchange.
sourceAddressWallet address money were sent from.
sourceCurrencyCurrency that was exchanged.
sourceAmountAmount of money that was exchanged.
destinationAddressWallet address of the exchange service money were sent to.
destinationCurrencyCurrency that was received after exchange.
destinationAmountAmount of money that was received after exchange.
CREATED - exchange has been created.
PAYOUT_PENDING - money are sending to exchange service.
PAYOUT_COMPLETED - money are sent to exchange service.
EXCHANGE_PENDING - waiting for money from exchange service.
COMPLETED - the exchange was finished successfully.
CANCELED - the exchange was cancelled.
FAILED - the exchange was failed due to the system error.
payinHashBlockchain hash of the transaction to the exchange service.
payoutHashBlockchain hash of the transaction from the exchange service.
createdDateDate and time of the exchange creation.
modifiedDateDate and time of the exchange updating.
networkFeeNetwork fee in destination currency that service provider subtracted from the exchange amount.
payinTransactionCommentsComments for the outgoing transaction.
payoutTransactionCommentComments for the incoming transaction.
serviceFeeService fee for the operation.
serviceFeeCurrencyCurrency of the service fee.

Calypso fee report

Column name in reportDescription
currencyCurrency of fee withdrawal.
typeType of fee withdrawal. In the moment there is only one type - MUTUAL_SETTLEMENT.
stateThe status of fee withdrawal [ NEW, PENDING, CANCEL, DONE ]
NEW - the fee withdrawal was created.
PENDING - the fee withdrawal is in progress.
CANCEL - the fee withdrawal was cancelled.
DONE - the fee withdrawal was completed successfully.
amountAmount of fee withdrawal.
createdDateDate and time of fee withdrawal creation.

Top-up report

Column name in reportDescription
amountAmount of the top-up transaction.
currencyCurrency of the top-up transaction.
transactionHashHash of the top-up transaction.
blockDateDate of mining transaction in blockchain.
createdDateDate of receiving transaction in Calypso.
senderAddressWallet address of transaction sender.
receiverAddressWallet address of transaction receiver.
transactionCommentsComments for this transaction.
serviceFeeService fee for the operation.
serviceFeeCurrencyCurrency of the service fee.