API Reference

Unlimited Invoice

Process description

Unlimited invoice is an invoice without a fixed amount. Payments to the invoice of this type can be accepted in unlimited quantities for any amount for unlimited time. The funds are credited to the merchant's balance after receiving. Funds are transferred to the merchant account automatically. It can be archived by merchant or after 3 months automatically if no deposit is received during this period.

Unlimited invoices can be used as clients wallets:

  • Send API request to create an invoice with type "UNLIMITED" (POST https://api.calypso.finance/api/v1/invoice/unlimited/create)
  • Provide the generated address and other data from the response to the client
  • Client can top up this wallet whenever he wants without any restrictions

Create invoice request example

Example of the create unlimited invoice request:

  "timestamp": 13292792792,
  "account": "0xc195df92dd9db2a8f28e597981f113d6e7582f8b",
  "payload": {
    "currency": "ETH",
    "description": "invoice for client 1",
    "idempotencyKey": "1be6a518-6dcd-477d-96af-dd914b1300ce",
    "type": "UNLIMITED"