The format of error messages:
"errorCode": "000",
"message": "Internal server error"
The Calypso API uses the following error codes:
errorCode | Message | Comment |
000 | Internal server error | Error on system side. Please contact the support. |
001 | Bad request | Incorrect input data. |
002 | Invalid api key | Invalid public api key in request. |
003 | Wrong sign | Sign transmitted in request is built incorrectly. |
004 | Requested object is not found | |
006 | Invoice is in incorrect state for operation | |
011 | Invalid timestamp parameter | |
012 | Invalid Payout state | |
014 | Invalid hot wallet currency | |
015 | Currency does not match wallet blockchain | |
016 | IdempotencyKey {idemmpotencyKeyUUID} already exists | In the payout creation request already used uuid for idempotency key is transmitted |
016 | Can not create deal. Validation failed | Validation error in payout creation. One or more request parameters were not validated |
018 | Event types or service types must not be empty | |
019 | Duplicate was found by requestId | Such requestId already used. |
020 | Not found subscription by requestId | |
021 | RequestId must not be null | |
022 | Subscription not belongs to current user | |
024 | Quantity limit exceeded by mass deal | |
026 | Can not create invoice | Business error in input data |
027 | Can not find invoice | |
029 | Can not archive invoice | Invoice is not in correct state |
031 | Filling in the field is superfluous | Length of value exceeded the limit |
032 | Filling in the field is required | |
035 | Wrong expiration | |
036 | Can't create deal | Business error in input data |
037 | Client with this name already exists | |
038 | Payout doesn't exist | |
041 | Can not cancel payout in not correct state | |
042 | DealWithdrawal doesn't exist | Transaction in mass payout doesn't exist |
043 | Client was not found | |
044 | Unsupported currency | |
054 | Invoice with this idempotencyKey already exists | |
056 | Recurrent was not found | |
057 | Recurrent not belongs user | |
058 | Recurrent already deleted | |
059 | Can not create Recurrent. Validation failed | |
060 | Can not create Recurrent. Currency is unavailable | |
061 | Deposit address doesn't belong to your company | |
062 | Wrong deposit address blockchain | Address is not in correct format for selected blockchain. |
063 | Currency {currency} not found for the current account | You don't have a wallet with corresponding currency on this account |