How to exchange one crypto asset to the other
Exchanges are used to swap one asset in your account for another asset.
- First, go to the "Crypto to Crypto" tab, you will be go to the exchange page.

- Select the asset "You sell" from the list of available ones.

- Select the asset "You buy" from the list of available ones.

- Enter the amount of the asset in the "You sell" field, or by clicking the MAX button the field will be filled with the maximum available amount of this asset on your account. In the form below you can see the calculation for your exchange.

- If several minutes have passed since you selected the assets, you can update the exchange rate data to correctly display the amounts before the exchange in the calculation form by clicking on the "Update" button.

Below we see an example where the amounts changed after the update because the exchange rate changed during this time.

- Click to "Exchange".

- You go to the exchange confirmation page, where you see the exchange calculation and also have the opportunity to update the calculation data by clicking the "Update" button.
Next step click to the "Confirm" button.

- To go to the exchange page and the list of your exchanges, click "Done", if you click on the "Go to Assets" button, you will be taken to the page with assets.

- On the exchange page in the list you will see the new exchange that you created appear, while the exchange is being processed you will see the status "In progress".

When the exchange is completed you will see the status "Completed"

Updated 7 months ago